Luis Amaya

BIS VINCIT QUI SE VINCIT - Twice conquers who conquers himself.

Luis is a vibrant soul who infuses every ride at High Ride with spice. With his sweet demeanor + boundless energy, Luis ensures that every rider feels both confident + challenged.

His journey as a fitness instructor began in 2021 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, where his passion for guiding others on their fitness journeys started. Drawn to High Ride by the recommendation of fellow cycling coaches, Luis felt an instant connection from his very first class—a sense of belonging.

What sets Luis apart on the podium is his unique blend of cultures, reflected in his eclectic music choices + his flair for body language + theatricality. But beyond the music + the moves, Luis's ultimate goal is simple: he wants his riders to let go, embrace their true selves + above all, have fun. In his classes, joy + freedom reign supreme, offering riders a chance to shed seriousness + embrace every moment.

What you’ll hear: pop beats infused with a Latin flare
Favorite Move: It’s all about the arms, baby! Push, pulse and X’s